Thursday, August 30, 2007

More FAQs on Compass AE

Following are questions from various inquirers:

1. Is Compass AE a hype?
No. It is a tangible strategic process that has been beta-tested by listed and non-listed clients

2. Would I use Compass AE?
If you have a remotely located project team that has problems collaborating as a team, you will need a process to get your team to collaborate as a team.

3. If I do not see the immediate answer, should I continue reading the site?
The site is still a "Tangible Vision in Progress". If you have any questions, please contact us. We will answer your questions.

4. Are all strategic processes the same?
No. Our process focuses on the use of a specialized "big picture" approach. enables the remotely-located project team to collaborate anywhere regardless
of the distance, the technology, and the project culture.

With our Compass AE process, .a project team can perform the following:
  • Complete the goal by determining the critical path;
  • Avoid obstacles and focus on positive circumstances;
  • Anticipate opportunities;
  • Perform proper pre-stage preparation;
  • Shape the target; and
  • Lead by strategic collaboration.
Can those strategic processes do that?

5. How can Compass AE assist me (esp in a global economy)?
Please e-mail us for the answer at. Service [aatt] collaboration360 [dottt] com

/// More to Come.

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